Friday, October 10, 2008

Just so you know...

I am not artisitically inclined. At all. Those genes missed me sister (who happens to be my twin) got those talents, but will admit she cannot sing like me (at least...I've been told I can sing). I played the violin decently through middle and high school. That's it.

Anyway...Joshua was released from special needs services at school this morning, after 5 years of speech therapy. It's been a long road...but he worked hard, and you know this momma is so darn proud of him!

I asked him what he wanted me to make to celebrate.

He said, "Mom, I want a Batman cake."

(gulp) "Are you sure Josh?" (I should have never asked...)

"Yes, Mom, that's what I want. You can do that, can't you?"

"We'll see..."

Last night, I was know, I can do this. I'll just make a single layer cake, cover it in black frosting, and stick a couple of Batman pictures on top. So that's exactly what I did. It's just a 9x13 chocolate cake, with black buttercream frosting (I used the entire container of black gel food coloring) plus a little brown. It's best to start with a chocolate frosting...but I didn't think about that until it was done. I found the pictures on the internet, printed them on cardstock, and stuck them into the cake. I added the candles because even though it's not his birthday, Joshua would still want some. All problem!

What do you think? Joshua was thrilled...that's what matters, right?

So, my secret is out. I can cook and bake, but I'm not a decorator.

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