Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving Recipes?

Alright, I have a confession to make. I will not be posting any Thanksgiving recipes. I've made pecan and pumpkin pies, homemade rolls, from-scratch mashed potatoes, stuffing, etc. The only thing I've never cooked before is a turkey. And the reason why I'm not posting any of these recipes...?

Well, every year, we go out of town for Thanksgiving. Yes, every year. My husband's family and my family live just minutes away from each other in Dallas. So we go there every year. I don't know when we'll stop doing this, probably until my sister-in-law is tired of cooking for such a big crowd and getting up at the crack of dawn to roast a 20+ pound turkey. (She actually doesn't get up early, but she is a real gem for having turkey day at her house year after year). Or maybe when our kids are grown, married, and bringing their own families to our house.

At some point, I will post some holiday related recipes. But nothing huge...just some of our favorite things to nosh on. Our kids love pigs in a blanket, and I always make sugar cookies. Last year, we started a new tradition of watching The Polar Express and having hot cocoa on Christmas Eve. We stay put for Christmas, but I don't make a big ham or turkey, since the kids don't eat that much, and David and I might get stuck with leftovers for days.

I plan to post some great recipes for appetizers and desserts, and just a few main dishes or sides. So bear with me...there are great things to come!

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