Friday, September 2, 2011

Anyone Out There?

Just wondering...does anyone read my blog these days?  I get very few comments...and that's okay.  But it would be nice if someone (well, anyone) gave me a shout out.  Please do if you've got just a second. I love cooking just as much as ever, even though my time to post recipes is getting tighter.  Thanks y'all! 


  1. I still read! Keep 'em coming! I know how you feel about the comments. I rarely get any either, and it does get frustrating. I'm glad you're still posting, though!

  2. Keep those recipes coming..I am still reading.. :)

  3. Still reading... just not much time to post comments (or even blog as much as I used to on my own blogs!). Life is just busy and gets more so as the kids get older.

    My take on my cooking blog is that it's a great place to put my favorites for easy reference. I rarely receive comments. At some point, I may make a book out of all my recipes and give it to family (they've encouraged me to 'do' a cookbook).

  4. Still here; it's nice to live vicariously through those who actually cook. Being a single, working chick, the last thing I made was brownies last weekend for a potluck. :)

  5. I'm still reading! I looove your recipes. I'm hoping to find the time to try them one of these days, too;)

  6. Still here and reading!

    BTW, if you are ever interested in doing more with your blog than posting recipes, I still run the Houston Blogging Chicks group!

  7. Hi Kim. I know how you feel. I have just a handful of followers and only get a comment here and there, but then will run into someone and inevitably hear, "You haven't blogged in a while." So, I know people are reading, just wish it were more two-way. Like someone said earlier here, it's a great place for me to catalog my recipes for myself. Hang in there!

  8. ditto on the comments...but I reference your blog often!

    I also post what recipe I'm posting on Facebook...adds to the traffic!

  9. Thanks everyone for the kind words and comments...I truly appreciate it. I do plan to keep going now...and I hope to publish my recipes someday...thinking it would make a great gift to given one copy to each of my kids someday.

  10. Yes, I read your posts! Sorry about never commenting. I realize now how it important it is for all bloggers. Keep the receipes coming. I love your stuff!
